Air Conditioning Contractors of America

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We are happy to announce that CAAG is now an independent ACCA "Allied Contracting Organization" or ACO.

An ACO is described as: "Independent Allied contracting Organization are autonomous entities which promote and work together on mutually agreed upon interests with ACCA regarding advancement of the HVACR industry's legislative and regulatory goals. The ACO is a wholly separate legal entity and neither ACCA nor the ACO can legally speak, represent or bind the other party on its behalf."

ACCA serves the indoor environmental industry and HVACR contractors nationwide, including legislative and regulatory advocacy in Washington, DC. Its members come from every state, including Georgia. 

ACCA does everything on the national level that CAAG does on the state level.

We are proud of this affiliation and urge all Georgia contractors to join and support ACCA!

Please contact them at:

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